Still not sure what to choose? Check out these domain categories.
Connect to your hometown or region with a geographic domain name, such as .london, .wales, .nyc or .paris. Geographic domain names are a great way to reach people living within a specific area with localised services, products and causes. Customers who want to support local businesses will know you're based nearby. A geographic domain name also allows you to make your regional identity part of your brand.
Get the top 10 tips to help you choose the perfect domain name for your business.
Over 1,400 new top-level domains were submitted during the application process, many of them related to well-known brands. So over the next few years we may see large international corporations using their own domain extensions, for example .bmw, .google or .zara. As well as brand TLDs, hundreds of generic extensions were also submitted. A complete overview can be found in our list of generic domain extensions.
Unfortunately, we can't promise that your chosen domain will be registered, although of course we'll do our best! For over 20 years IONOS has successfully registered domains for millions of customers, and we've been involved in many implementations of new TLDs. Thanks to this experience and excellent relationships with nTLD registries, we're confident that we can convert the majority of pre-orders into registrations as soon as the new domains are activated.
The 'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers' is a California-based, non-profit organisation recognised by most state institutions. ICANN is responsible for a range of policies and technical work relating to the Internet, and cooperates with external parties to develop various projects. It is also directly responsible for the implementation process of the new domain extensions. You can visit the ICANN website to learn more about the organisation and its activities.
In contrast to country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) such as or .fr, generic top-level domains (gTLDs) do not necessarily refer to a specific country. Rather, gTLDs offer the opportunity to emphasis the main theme of a website through the ending alone, for example, .com stands for 'commercial' and .org for 'organisation'. A distinction is made between different forms of gTLDs: some domain endings (like .com, .net, .org or .biz) have existed for a long time and have established themselves over the years. Alongside these classic gTLDs, there are new generic top-level domains (new gTLDs or nTLDs ".biz"). These include endings that have been gradually introduced since March 2013. There are already a lot to choose from, and in the long term there will be over 1,000 available. Examples include .online, .web, .page and .info. For many nTLDs, the extension already refers to a certain area. For example, .shop, .sport, .club or .travel can be used to emphasis the type of website and it's objective. Regional endings like .london, .scot or .wales are also available. The nTLDs offer many new possibilities for adapting domains to your own web presence. There are however other nTLDs without a fixed contect such as .xyz or .now. For more info visit our digital guide article on generic top level domains
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