For the Website Builder and MyWebsite

You can use the page templates to add more pages with the same appearance without having to rebuild them.

This article describes a function of the editor that was ordered before 06.09.2017.
Please select your editor version.

Step 1
  • Log in to MyWebsite.

  • Step 2
  • On the main menu, click Manage Pages.

  • Step 3
  • You create a new page by dragging a template into the navigation;

    if a red bar appears there, this means that the page cannot be inserted at this point. Slide the element to the left or down until the bar turns blue and then release the mouse button.

    Tip: You can change the position later by moving the page in the navigation using your mouse.

  • Step 4

Click on your new page within the navigation to get further settings.

  • Customise navigation for each page.
  • Hide the page if necessary.
  • Optimise your search results.

Please note: If a page listed by a search engine is removed from the navigation, this page loses a large part of its internal link. In most cases, this will have a negative effect on your ranking in the search engines.

Step 5

On the main menu, click Manage Pages.