Insert and Edit Sections in MyWebsite
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For the Website Builder and MyWebsite
Simply use our drag and drop function to insert customisable sections at the desired location. All sections automatically adapt to the design of your website.
This article describes a function of the editor that was ordered before 06.09.2017.
Please select your editor version.
Step-by-Step Tutorial
Step 1
Log in to MyWebsite.
Step 2
On the main menu, click Insert Sections.
Step 3
Select the desired category.
- Actions: Visitor magnets with short headlines and large pictures.
- Highlights: Underline your content with visual accents.
- Grid: Presentation and presentation of articles.
- Collages: A picture says more than a thousand words.
- Article: Creative presentation of information.
Step 4
Drag the desired section to the desired location in the Contents pane.
Step 5
Customise sections. You have the following options:
Show/hide elements: Select the desired content by activating/deactivating the sliders.
Section Background: Select a section background (No Background/Color/Image) for the entire section.
Activate parallax effect: Click on the Image button and activate the Parallaxeffect,
which allows superimposed content to move at different speeds, giving the viewer an impression of depth.Group Background: You can choose a different background for each group(No Background/Color/Image).
Arrangement: Change the position and arrangement of the section by clicking on the icon.
- Optional: Width: Select the desired width (Normal/Full Width).
- To edit items within a section, click the item you want to edit.
Step 6
Optional: If you edit a section that consists of groups, you can add groups or delete groups.
To add a new group, click Add Group.
To edit the order of the columns, click on Columns in the Groups tab and select the desired number of columns and group width.
- To delete a group, click the Delete icon for the desired group.
- To select a background for a specific group, click the Select Background icon for the desired group.
Step 7
Optional: Customise the design of the section. You have the following options:
Select the desired shadow.
Select the required corner display.
- Select the desired effect.
Step 8
Click Save.