For the Website Builder and MyWebsite

Add links to your own pages, other websites, or email addresses.

This article describes a function of the editor that was ordered before 06.09.2017.
Please select your editor version.

Step 1
Step 2
  • Click on a text element and select the text you want to use as a link.

  • Step 3
  • Click on Insert/Edit link in the menu bar.

  • Step 4
  • Choose between three options:

    • To link to an external website, enter the link in the Web page text box.
    • To link to another page of your MyWebsite, click on the drop-down menu My Page.
    • To link an email address, enter the email address in the Email text box.
  • Step 5
  • Click on OK.

  • The link has been inserted into the text field.