For MyWebsite Now

Show your website's visitors that security is a top priority for you. An IONOS SSL certificate with 256-bit encryption ensures the best possible protection for data transmission and is already included for free in your MyWebsite Now package.

Please Note

For MyWebsite Now packages, the SSL certificate is normally activated automatically within a few minutes when a domain is connected to the website.

However, in the following cases, you will need to connect your domain to the MyWebsite project manually:

  • You subsequently connected your site to a domain that does not have an SSL certificate assigned to it.
  • You deactivated the SSL encryption.

Manually Activating an SSL Certificate

If the automatic setup does not work, proceed as follows:

  • Open the administration overview of your MyWebsite NOW.

    Log In and Manage MyWebsite NowManage MyWebsite Now

  • If you have several MyWebsite Now and Website Builder packages, they are grouped together in the Websites & Shops Overview, independent of the contract. Select the desired website by clicking Manage Website.
  • Click the red lock icon next to your domain name to assign an SSL certificate.
  • Check the box to confirm that you accept the SSL policy and then click Activate SSL Certificate for Free.