For Dedicated Server, VPS, and Cloud Server with Linux

Almost all Linux distributions include a package management system to update software installed on the system or to install missing programmes. A uniform standard has not been established, which means that handling can vary greatly between distributions.

We have listed some distributions and their package management systems here:


Debian and Ubuntu Linux

Debian and the derived Ubuntu Linux use apt to manage packages.

Application examples:

apt update
apt upgrade
apt dist-upgrade
apt install <Packagename>
apt remove <Packagename>

Further information on apt can be found under the following links:

Red Hat Linux and CentOS

Red Hat Linux, CentOS, and other Red Hat-based distributions use YUM or DNF to manage packages.  DNF (Dandified YUM) is the new default since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, CentOS 8, and Fedora 22.

Application examples:

yum check-update
yum update
yum upgrade
yum install <Packagename>
yum remove <Packagename>
dnf install <Packagename>
dnf remove <Packagename>
dnf upgrade


You can find more information about YUM and DNF at: