If you use Managed Nextcloud for business purposes, e.g. to exchange files with your customers, you are typically required to include a legal notice and a privacy policy. This article explains how to integrate these two mandatory details into your Managed Nextcloud installation.

Use of Existing Mandatory Information (Legal Notice and Privacy Policy)

When you create your Managed Nextcloud installation, links to the IONOS Legal Notice and Privacy Policy are created by default. These must be customised for your own use.

  • Log in to your Managed Nextcloud.
  • In the top menu bar, click the circle icon with your profile photo or the first letter of your username to open the context menu.
  • Select Settings > Theming.
  • In the detail view of the data group Advanced options >Link to Legal Notice / Link to Privacy Policy, enter the Internet address of your existing mandatory information, e.g. from your website. This information will be saved automatically as soon as you leave the respective field with the detail information.

The legal notice and privacy policy will now be displayed for shared folders and files.

Please Note

Check whether the legal framework applicable to you requires the inclusion of Managed Nextcloud in your privacy policy.

Creating New Mandatory Information (Legal Notice and Privacy Policy)

If you have not used a legal notice or privacy statement before, consult your legal counsel for the correct content or use an online service to generate it for you.

  • Create both documents in a word processor of your choice and save them on your computer as a PDF.
  • Log in to your Managed Nextcloud.
  • Click on Files in the top menu bar.
  • Upload the created files (legal notice and privacy policy) to a storage location of your choice.
  • Share the files via Managed Nextcloud.
  • Copy the share links from the palette on the right side of the screen via Share Link.
  • Paste them into the detail fields described in the previous section.