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    Access permissions in the Cloud Panel are determined by the roles you assign to the users you have created. By assigning a role, you define what sections and actions a user may view or execute in the Cloud Panel. Multiple roles can be assigned to one user and each role can be assigned to multiple users. By default, the administrator role is assigned to a user. 

    This role has full permissions and it may not be changed. The section Management > Roles is divided into two pages:

    • the Overview page

    • the Permissions page

    On the overview page, you can create, clone and delete roles. In addition, all roles you have configured are listed in a table. 

    To call up all information on a given role or to grant additional permissions to a role, click on the name. 


    When you create a role, only read access permissions to all sections of the Cloud Panel are granted.

    To grant additional permissions to a role, activate the desired role. In the Authorizations section, you can customise the granted permissions. 

    Granting of Permission Groups

    You can assign permission groups to a role using the quick selection function. When you activate a permission group, the corresponding permissions are activated for all sections of the Cloud Panel. 

    Display of Granted Permissions

    The status of the respective permission group is displayed in the quick selection.

    To grant individual permissions to a role, select the desired section in the left column of the list and activate or deactivate the desired permissions.

    The number of granted permissions is displayed in the Summary section.