Configuring a Server After Installing an ISO Image (Windows Server 2022)
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For Cloud Servers
This guide describes how to install VMWare Tools and allow remote desktop connections after installing the ISO image.
The VMware Tools consist of a set of utilities that you install in the server's operating system. Install the VMware Tools to ensure the proper operation of your server.
A guide for Windows Server 2019 can be found here:
Configuring Server after Installing an ISO Image (Windows Server 2019)Windows Server operating systems are licensed in accordance with the core licensing model for legal reasons. This also applies to Windows Server operating systems that you install using ISO images and for which you use your own license key.
How to install VMWare Tools:
You have already installed Windows Server 2022.
You have selected Windows Server 2022 Standard (Desktop Experience) or Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Desktop Experience ) during the installation.
You are in the Cloud Panel in the Infrastructure > Servers section.
Select the desired server.
If necessary, eject the inserted DVD. To do this, click on the DVD to be ejected at the top right of the Network button.
Click Yes.
Click DVD Drive.

In the Applications tab, select the VMWare Tools Windows DVD.
Click Load DVD.
Click Actions > Access KVM Console.

Click OK.
The KVM console opens in a new tab.Click Send Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Log in to the server as an administrator.
Open the Windows Explorer.
Select the DVD drive.
To start the installation, launch the desired version of VMWare Tools.
VMWare Tools are offered in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Click Next.
Select the Standard installation type.
Click Next.
Click Install.
Click Finish.
The VMWare Tools have been installed.Perform a restart of your server.
Allow remote desktop connections
Remote Desktop Connection is pre-installed on all Windows systems and allows you to directly access the server's desktop interface.
To allow remote desktop connections:
In the taskbar search box, type Control Panel and double-click to open it.
Click Control Panel > System and Security > System.
In the navigation bar on the left, click Remote Desktop.

Activate the Enable Remote Desktop option.
Click Confirm.
Click Advanced settings.

Enable the Require computers to use Network Level Authentication to connect (recommended) option.
Click Confirm.