The security, reliability and performance of your projects are important to us. We have therefore further developed the technical infrastructure of our virtual servers and are migrating them to a new platform. During the migration, it is necessary for us to switch off your virtual server. No configuration changes are possible at this time. All services running directly on your virtual server will be unavailable for the duration of the migration. Your virtual server will be switched on again once the migration is complete.

When will the migration take place?

The first migrations started on 01.04.2024. Further migrations will take place in the coming weeks and months. As these migrations are carried out automatically, we cannot give you a more precise time frame.

You will receive an email before the start informing you of the approximate period in which the migration of your server will take place. Shortly before the migration, you will also be informed of the specific start date. As soon as the migration has been successfully completed, you will receive another e-mail.

Will there be any changes to the server configuration?

The resources of the Virtual Server Cloud are not changed in terms of vCPU, RAM size and storage size. However, the SSD SAN storage will be replaced by SSD NVMe storage.

Will the tariff or prices change as a result of this migration?

No, there will be no changes to your contract or tariff name. Furthermore, the migration will have no impact on pricing and billing. It is a purely technical migration that will not affect your current contract terms.

Which features and functions will no longer be available after the migration?

The features and functions that will no longer be available to you after the migration are listed below. We are currently evaluating when we can reintroduce these features and functions. We are also currently checking whether they will be reintroduced in their previous form or in an optimised form.

Area in the Cloud Panel Function
Server Images that contain applications
  Pre-installed Plesk version
Images Import image
  Import ISO
  Select data centre
Firewall Policies Create Firewall Policy
  Delete firewall policy
  Duplicate firewall policy
  Assign firewall policy
Monitoring Centre Overview
Monitoring Policies Create Monitoring Policies
  Duplicate Monitoring Policies
  Delete monitoring policies

Will my IPv6 addresses also be migrated?

Existing IPv6 addresses will be replaced by new ones. In this context, please note that the Reverse DNS function is no longer available for IPv6 addresses after the migration.

Will existing firewall policies be retained or do they need to be set up again?

Only one firewall policy is available for the VPS. For this reason, only the firewall policy assigned to the main IPv4 address is migrated.

Are your own uploaded images available after the migration?

Images that you have uploaded to Cloud Panel yourself will no longer be available after the migration. However, you can create a new image of your VPS at any time after the migration.

Will my protection plans and backups created in Cloud Backup still be available after the migration?

Protection plans and complete backups that have already been created cannot be restored as part of the migration. Therefore, after the migration, make sure you create new protection plans and backups for your VPS in the backup console.

Is the outgoing port 25 still open after the migration?

If the outgoing port 25 was activated for your Virtual Server Cloud, this will also be open for your VPS after the migration.

How can I monitor my server after the migration?

Unfortunately, the monitoring function is no longer available after the migration to VPS. However, you have alternative options for monitoring your server. You can find detailed information on this in the following articles:


Monitor server performance (Linux)

Analyse the current system load with the program top (Linux)

Use Atop to further analyse the system load (Linux)

Microsoft Windows Server

Monitor server performance (Windows)

Use Windows performance monitoring to analyse the system load

My Virtual Server Cloud cannot be moved because I have too little storage space. How can I free up storage space in Linux?

To be able to migrate your Virtual Server Cloud to VPS, you must have at least 100 MB of free memory in the root and boot directories of your server. You can find instructions on how to do this in the following article:

Freeing up storage space on a Virtual Server Cloud (Linux)

How can I install the latest kernel on my Virtual Server Cloud so that it is migrated?

How can I repair the current kernel of my server if it is damaged and my server cannot be moved?

After the migration, network problems occur on my server. How can I resolve these?

In some cases, the name of the network device is changed in the network configuration file of your operating system as part of the migration of your server. The following article explains how to correct the network configuration settings:

VPS: Fixing network problems that occur after migration

Technical support after the migration

If you have any problems with the operation of your server after the migration, please contact customer service. Customer Service will be happy to analyse these with you.