For servers with Plesk installed

The table below shows the default assignment of Plesk ports for services and applications:


Port TCP/UDP Service
20 TCP ftp-data
21 TCP ftp
22 TCP ssh
25 TCP smpt
53 TCP+UDP dns
80 TCP http (Web Server and Plesk Updater)
106 TCP poppassd (for localhost only)
110 TCP pop3
113 TCP auth
143 TCP imap
443 TCP https
465 TCP smtps
587 TCP mail message submission (transmission of email messages)
990 TCP ftp
993 TCP imaps
995 TCP pop3s
3306 TCP mysql
5224 TCP plesk-license-update (outgoing connections only)
5432 TCP postgres
8443 TCP plesk-https
8800 TCP plesk-http
9080 TCP tomcat
11443 TCP sw-cp-serverd (since Plesk 9)
11444 TCP sw-cp-serverd (since Plesk 9)

Please Note

To update the Plesk license, you must ensure your firewall allows outgoing connections to the following IP addresses and ports: