Valid for IONOS Google Ads Management Service

With IONOS Google Ads Management Service you can place adverts that are displayed in Google Search. This article gives you an overview and shows you the advantages of IONOS Google Ads Management Service .


Further detailed information can be found in the IONOS Digital Guide "What is Google Ads".

Basic functionality

If a Google search user enters search terms (keywords) that match your website or your company, your advert will be presented together with the search results.

This ensures that your advert is only shown to users who can be assumed to have a fundamental interest in your products and services. You only pay for your advert when people click on it.

Save time and money by commissioning

Your ads are created and optimised by IONOS experts specifically for your products and services. You do not need any knowledge of Search Engine Advertising (SEA). Thanks to the many years of experience of the IONOS experts in the marketing environment, you will receive the best possible results for your advertising measures.

Commissioning procedure

Once you have decided on a Google Ads Management Service tariff from IONOS, IONOS experts will create an advertising campaign that is tailored to your personal requirements. This includes, for example, the identification of keywords relevant to you and the professional creation of ad texts.

Once your advertising campaign is active, you can track its progress in the administration interface of Google Ads Management Service and control it if necessary, e.g. by increasing your advertising budget. All important information is summarised for you in a monthly report (e-mail or download).

Advantages at a glance

  • Save time by hiring experts

  • Easy-to-use advertising measure for your website

  • Configuration and ongoing optimisation by the IONOS team

  • Advertising budget can be changed up to three days before the end of the billing month

  • Advertising campaign can be paused at any time

  • Advertising also appears in the mobile view (responsive)

  • Full success control through transparency, statistics and conversion tracking

  • Three tariffs: The right package for every marketing budget