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The script language PHP (originally known as Personal Home Page, but now known as PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) offers you many possibilities to make dynamic web content available on your website. PHP can easily handle a variety of databases, file and directory systems, and is also suitable for complex web applications.
For IONOS Linux Webhosting contracts and IONOS Managed Servers, PHP is installed in different versions.
Functionality of PHP
Creating and manipulating GIF, JPG and PNG files and using TrueType fonts
Database functions for integrating MySQL databases
Extended network functionality
Regular expressions
Supports XML/XSLT
Encryption (MD5, Base64) and more advanced encryption algorithms (such as AES) through mcrypt
Advanced calendar functions
Sample Script: Reading Form Data
The following example shows a form that uses variables. PHP is often used to create dynamic content, such as forms.
<title>PHP and Forms</title>
if (isset($_POST['eis'])) {
echo "Your favourite ice cream is <b>".$_POST['eis']."</b>";
<form action="<? echo basename($PHP_SELF); ?>" method="post">
What is your favourite ice cream?: <input type="text" name="eis" size="30" maxlength="30">
<input type="submit" value="OK">
<input type="reset" value="Reset">
Sample Script: "What is the date today?"
You can include PHP code in an HTML page, although the file has to be renamed with the extension .php, instead of .html.
<title>First PHP script</title>
echo "What is the date today? ";
echo "Today is ".date("d.m.Y");