Updating the Slave DNS Name Servers
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The slave DNS infrastructure has been updated and is now connected to the worldwide IONOS Anycast DNS network. The update will improve the performance of your website by automatically forwarding DNS queries to the next of our DNS locations on the Anycast network.
If your domains are configured correctly, you don't have to do anything else to benefit.
If you received an email from IONOS in which the configuration of your domain is marked with Zone transfer faulty or Name server delegation missing, we recommend that you adjust the configuration.
Zone Transfer Faulty
If you have received an email in which the configuration of your domain is marked Zone transfer faulty, the IONOS Slave DNS name servers are still configured to answer the DNS requests for your domain(s). However, the IONOS Slave DNS name servers cannot update the zone content of your master name server. This is caused either by a different IP address configured for zone transfer or by an incorrect configuration that prevents your server from accepting the transfer requests from our servers.
The recommended configuration of the IONOS slave DNS settings is listed below. If you need to change the IP address of your server to be used by IONOS for zone transfer, please contact IONOS Customer Service.
Follow the steps below to correctly configure the IONOS slave DNS settings:
Update the NS resource records in the zone on your master server and the SOA record.
@ IN NS <Your-Master-Server>
@ IN NS slv1.1and1.com (US/CA/MX)
@ IN NS slv2.1und1.de (EU)</Your-Master-Server>Change the configuration of the zone to allow transfers through our master server from the following IP addresses:
IPv4 slv1:
IPv4 slv2:
Next, we'll show you examples of how to configure the zone data file in Bind or PowerDNS to allow transfers through our master server from the following IP addresses:
If you are using BIND, you must configure the zone data file in the following form:
zone "$customerzone" IN {
type master;
// slv1.1and1.com
// slv2.1und1.de
file "your-zone-file-name";
notify yes;
In the first step, make sure that the pdns.conf file of your PowerDNS instance contains the entry master=yes.
Then, enter the following commands to customise the configuration:
pdnsutil set-kind $customerzone master
# slv1.1and1.com
pdnsutil set-meta $customerzone ALLOW-AXFR-FROM
# slv2.1und1.de
pdnsutil set-meta $customerzone ALLOW-AXFR-FROM
Name Server Delegation Missing
If you have received an email in which the configuration of your domain is marked Name Server Delegation Missing, the IONOS Slave DNS name servers are no longer configured to answer DNS queries for your domain.
If you no longer want the IONOS service, please contact IONOS Customer Service to remove the slave DNS settings.
To correctly configure and continue using the slave DNS settings, specify the following name servers:
NS1: <Your-Master-Server>
NS2: slv2.1und1.de (EU) or slv1.1and1.com (US/CA/MX) </Your-Master-Server>
Please Note
Update the NS resource records in the zone on your master server and the SOA record.