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If you are the registrant (Reg-C) of a domain name and find yourself unable for any reason to contact the owner of the IONOS account in which the domain name is held, we may be able to assist you.
We will not be able to provide you with access to the account itself or to any hosted services (e.g. website/email content). However, we may be able to help you to regain control of your domain name.
What can I do as a registrant?
If you believe the circumstances above apply to you, please contact us at with the full details and include permission for us to pass on your contact details to the IONOS account holder.
If you are still unable to establish contact with the account holder, we have implemented a Domain Release process to help registrants. You can find additional information about this procedure at
Important Information for IONOS Account Holders
If we are contacted by the registrant of a domain name which you are administering within your IONOS account, we will always first ask the registrant to contact you directly. In order to assist registrants who are unable to establish contact with you, we have implemented the Domain Release process. Please rest assured that no information related to your account will be provided to any third parties.