Website knowledge

Enhance your online presence by learning more about websites and web design. Discover the essentials and find inspiration with how-to guides, helpful tips and valuable information about various tools.

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Customised websites

How to create a club website

How to create a club website

A club website can support a club in many different ways. It can be used to provide general information about the club, for recruiting members and simply for credibility. A club website can also be used to publicise event dates and report news. This makes a club appealing, not…

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How to create a Membership Site

How to create a Membership Site

It is not uncommon for websites to have a members’ area that contains exclusive content for registered members only in order to attract customers and foster loyalty long-term. Learn how to make a private website that requires a password, how to convert users, and what else you…

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How to create a Handyman Website

How to create a Handyman Website

A tradesman website is the signboard for a handicraft enterprise. With the right tools, a homepage for tradesmen can be created quickly and legally compliant. With a dedicated website for your tradesman business, you can be found quickly and offer potential customers a quick…

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How to create a Resume Website

How to create a Resume Website

It can be tough to stand out from the crowd when searching for jobs. But you can improve your chances by creating a resume website. A resume or CV website is a unique and useful way to show your motivation, CV, personality, and skills. Find out how to make a resume website and…

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How much does a website cost?Ruslan GrumbleShutterstock

How much does a website cost?

It’s useful to determine the costs for creating a website in advance. The more technically demanding a website is, the more expensive it will be to create and maintain it. However, there are many other factors to consider when you want to know how much it should cost to build a…

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How to boost performance with website optimisationrangizzzShutterstock

How to boost performance with website optimisation

If you want to optimise your website, there are a few things you need to bear in mind. Both content and technical optimisation measures play a major role when it comes to making your website faster or adapting it for mobile devices. In this article, you will learn how to optimise…

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How to fix a hacked websiteMakstormShutterstock

How to fix a hacked website

The moment you realise your website has been hacked is alarming. If you’re sure your website has been compromised, you need to keep calm and act swiftly. But how do you spot a hacked website? What are the common signs of a compromised page and what can you do to rectify the…

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How to create the perfect website style guide

How to create the perfect website style guide

Fixed guidelines about design and branding are essential for a professional and serious web presence. Companies usually outline these in what’s known as a style guide. These serve as outlines for web designers and editors, and have the aim of presenting companies or institutions…

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Website on Mac: Best software

Website on Mac: Best software

Creating a website on a Mac is achievable even without extensive knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and similar languages. You only need a basic web editor and a good idea. For more complex projects, there are professional software solutions available that are user-friendly and make…

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The 10 best blogging toolsChanwit IssarasuwipakornShutterstock

The 10 best blogging tools

There are lots of tools for bloggers out there, and anyone who runs a blog can certainly use some good tools. But it’s difficult to decide on the right blogging tools, especially for beginners. In our guide, you’ll find an overview of the most popular applications for bloggers.…

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Forum Softwares in comparsion

Forum Softwares in comparsion

Whether you’re searching for help on how to change a tire, or you desperately need make-up tips for an upcoming wedding, you’ll sooner or later stumble upon a forum. These community platforms have been around for years and are still going strong. Even today there are countless…

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How to find the best CMS for small businesses

How to find the best CMS for small businesses

Choosing the right CMS for your small to medium-sized business isn’t easy, but you certainly can’t complain about a lack of choices. The problem is that this diversity can quickly lead to a system that is far too complex for your requirements and leaves you at a disadvantage. In…

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