How to use SQL DELETE to delete separate or multiple entries

How to use SQL DELETE to delete separate or multiple entries

To delete one or more entries from a table, it makes sense to use the SQL DELETE statement. This command allows you to remove individual, multiple, or all entries. In this article, we explain how to use SQL DELETE and what you should take into consideration when using it. We’ll…

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How to create a new table with SQL CREATE TABLE

How to create a new table with SQL CREATE TABLE

If you’ve set up a new database, you’ll need tables to store your data. You can easily create these using the SQL CREATE TABLE statement. In this article, we introduce you to the command and show you, through examples, which parameters to use when setting it up. You will also…

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How to copy and paste data in a table using SQL INSERT INTO SELECTUndreyShutterstock

How to copy and paste data in a table using SQL INSERT INTO SELECT

If you need to transfer data from one table to another, you can use the SQL INSERT INTO SELECT statement. We’ll guide you through how this command works, whether you’re copying an entire table or just specific columns. Additionally, we’ll provide practical examples to show how…

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How to use SQL COUNT() to count rows in a tableElena Kharichkinashutterstock

How to use SQL COUNT() to count rows in a table

If you want to determine the number of rows in your table using a database query, SQL COUNT() is the most effective method. By incorporating a WHERE clause, the function enables you to refine your query even further, adding significant value. In this article, we explain SQL…

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How to use the SQL IFNULL() function to output alternative values

How to use the SQL IFNULL() function to output alternative values

If you come across an empty expression in a table, you can replace it with an alternative value. In our article, we introduce you to the SQL IFNULL() function, specifically designed for this task. We explain the structure of the function in detail and provide practical examples…

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How to set up and query conditions with SQL CASE

How to set up and query conditions with SQL CASE

SQL CASE can be used to query a list of conditions in SQL and display corresponding results. This statement works by checking each condition and returning results based on whether the conditions are met. In this dedicated article, we explain how SQL CASE works and demonstrate its…

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How to use SQL `MIN` and `MAX`REDPIXEL.PLShutterstock

How to use SQL `MIN` and `MAX`

Whether you’re working with sales reports, salary analyses or anomalies and trends, the SQL functions `MIN` and `MAX` are essential tools. The two functions return the smallest and largest values in a column. There are countless uses for the functions, ranging from quick data…

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How to use SQL BACKUP DATABASE to secure your database against data losscybrainshutterstock

How to use SQL BACKUP DATABASE to secure your database against data loss

To ensure the security of your data, it is crucial to create backups of your database regularly. The SQL BACKUP DATABASE statement is the simplest and most effective method for this. We will introduce the syntax of the statement, explain how it works with examples, and show you…

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How to use SQL AVG()

How to use SQL AVG()

The SQL AVG() function is the best tool for calculating the average value of a column. In addition to computing averages, it can be combined with other operations as well. We’ll explain the syntax of SQL AVG() and the different ways it can be used. With a few easy-to-follow…

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How to check and replace NULL values with SQL ISNULL()

How to check and replace NULL values with SQL ISNULL()

SQL ISNULL() is a practical function for checking the value of an expression. If a value is NULL, the function replaces it with a substitute value that you define in advance. In our dedicated article, we explain how this works using practical examples and reveal some of the…

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