
How to edit drop-down lists in Google SheetsGround PictureShutterstock

How to edit drop-down lists in Google Sheets

The spreadsheet program Google Sheets is a popular Excel alternative that offers users similar functionality and features. One such feature is dropdown lists. If you want to add more options, you can do so by editing your Google Sheets drop-down list and expanding it. In this…

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How to wrap text in Google Sheets manually and automatically

How to wrap text in Google Sheets manually and automatically

In Google Sheets, if you have more information in a cell than the width of the cell can display, it either gets cut off or runs into the neighbouring cell. This is not ideal for the layout of your spreadsheet and can also negatively affect readability and make your spreadsheet…

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What are the most useful spreadsheet formulas in Google Sheets?UndreyShutterstock

What are the most useful spreadsheet formulas in Google Sheets?

If you want to calculate values in a spreadsheet, using formulas in Google Sheets is a good way to go about it. The formulas can perform basic maths operations and display the results directly in the document. We explain which formulas Google spreadsheets provides, how they are…

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How to use spreadsheet templates in Google Sheets

How to use spreadsheet templates in Google Sheets

The standard Google spreadsheet isn’t ideal for every purpose. Before you spend a lot of time editing a spreadsheet, consider using a template. Google Sheets itself offers numerous spreadsheet templates as do many other providers. You can find out everything you need to know…

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How to optimise for Voice Search (SEO)

How to optimise for Voice Search (SEO)

Voice search for search engines is becoming increasingly important and so is SEO. Changes in user behaviour and the first adjustments to search algorithms are already visible. Future-oriented SEO therefore starts with voice search. Get to know the most important voice assistants,…

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How to create spreadsheets in Google SheetsChinnapongShutterstock

How to create spreadsheets in Google Sheets

Google Sheets is an increasingly popular alternative to Microsoft Excel—and it’s free. In this article, we’ll show you how to create spreadsheets in Google Sheets, explain what the benefits are and go over how such documents are structured. We’ve also provided a template so you…

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How to create and edit pivot tables in Google Sheets

How to create and edit pivot tables in Google Sheets

Pivot tables in Google Sheets offer an effective method for organising extensive data sets and refining their presentation without altering the original table content. This article demonstrates how to create a pivot table in Google Sheets, using straightforward examples to…

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International SEO for multilingual sites

International SEO for multilingual sites

If you want your website to gain ground on the international stage, it’s crucial to offer your content in a range of languages. To make sure the different versions are just as good as the original, you’ll need more than basic translations though. With proper SEO measures in…

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What is a canonical tag? An explanation

What is a canonical tag? An explanation

When certain website content is used multiple times, it’s not always due to carelessness, but could actually be intentional. International websites or online shops, for example, display lots of similar content. To ensure that search engines don’t classify this as duplicate…

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What are the most important SEO terms? An overview

What are the most important SEO terms? An overview

Search engine optimisation is an important component for a successful website, because without SEO your site is less likely to be displayed by Google and other search engines. However, the many SEO terms can be confusing, especially at the beginning. We’ve put together an SEO…

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