What are the 5 best Firebase alternatives?

Firebase is a database, which is very popular for developing mobile and web applications. While Google’s solution proves effective in numerous scenarios, there are instances where alternative systems may be better. Below, we provide a detailed overview of the top Firebase alternatives.

What is Firebase and what are its alternatives?

In 2014, Google acquired Firebase, a powerful development platform that achieves strong results, particularly as a database management system for mobile and web-based applications. Originally developed by James Tamplin and Andrew Lee in 2011, Firebase now boasts 18 products, some of which you have to pay for.

The database is based on the NoSQL approach and as such, doesn’t use relational tables. Instead, Firebase stores data in JSON documents and synchronises them in real time. This makes it an ideal solution for gaming apps, chat programs and social networks.

The database also boasts seamless integration with a multitude of invaluable Google services. Companies and platforms such as Duolingo, Instacart, Twitch and WhatsApp all rely on Firebase.

Firebase presents users with plenty of features. It’s also integrated into a broader development portfolio, making it so much more than just a database. While this is very promising for many areas and use cases, there are other factors to consider that might make an alternative to Firebase the better option.

The rigid embedding can constrain data migration and foster strong dependencies. Additionally, Firebase relies heavily on Android and offers less support for iOS. Although a free package is available, it’s only for the basic version. Additional features may be expensive. These drawbacks may cause you to look for another option. If so, one of the alternatives below may be just what you’re looking for.

MongoDB: Flexibility thanks to horizontal scalability

One of the best-known and most powerful NoSQL databases is MongoDB. Created in 2009 by Eliot Horowitz and distributed by MongoDB, Inc. (formerly 10gen), this solution specialises in storing and managing large and growing amounts of data. The data can be structured, semi-structured or unstructured and is stored in binary JSON documents, which in turn are summarised in collections. Leveraging partitioned storage across various nodes (sharding), MongoDB ensures high availability and reliability. The system is used in particular for eCommerce, content management and numerous other applications. It’s compatible with numerous systems, languages and platforms. There are commercial packages for further services.

The benefits of MongoDB at a glance

  • Unlimited horizontal scalability
  • Very flexible
  • Suitable for almost all data types
  • High availability through sharding
  • Strong security measures
  • Data replication allowed
  • Easy to use
  • Large and dedicated community

In our Digital Guide, you’ll find a great comparison between [MongoDB and Firebase(11RARUKEN94388). This article can help you to decides which solution is better suited to your needs.


Full performance, more convenience: With managed MongoDB from IONOS, you benefit from extensive security features and our expertise. We take care of installation, operation and maintenance so that you can concentrate on your project.

DynamoDB: The Firebase alternative from the AWS ecosystem

In addition to Google, Amazon has also tapped into the lucrative database segment with DynamoDB, offering a formidable alternative to Firebase. Initially developed in 2012 for Amazon’s own data needs, DynamoDB is now part of Amazon Web Services (AWS), catering primarily to web application and eCommerce development.

This serverless NoSQL database employs JSON documents and is a fully managed solution that automates updates, security and scaling. The availability and performance of DynamoDB are excellent. DynamoDB uses a pay-per-use billing model.

The benefits of DynamoDB at a glance

  • Very user-friendly
  • Embedded in the AWS portfolio
  • Very secure
  • Serverless
  • Unlimited scaling options
  • High availability
  • Usage-based pricing model
  • Strong performance

Couchbase: The optimal solution for interactive applications

Couchbase is one of the best alternatives to Firebase and has been available since 2010. Formerly known as Membase, the NoSQL database operates with a document-oriented approach, without predefined schemas. Despite its document-oriented nature, there’s a slight overlap with relational systems due to its SQL++ query language, which is based on the widely used Structured Query Language.

Being open source, Couchbase offers both free and commercial versions. With very low latencies, it’s particularly well-suited for interactive application development. Its horizontal and vertical scalability further enhance its appeal, attracting users like Disney, eBay and LinkedIn.

The benefits of Couchbase at a glance

  • Open source
  • Easy to learn through SQL++
  • Low latencies
  • Scalable
  • Convincing performance
  • Flexible data models
  • Support for mobile apps
  • Simple setup
  • High reliability and availability of data through sharding

MySQL: A relational database with many scaling options

Depending on your project requirements, a relational approach might be preferable. One of the best SQL database management systems is MySQL. Although the open-source solution works relationally and is based on a fixed table structure, it can be combined with NoSQL databases. Many well-known companies and platforms such as Google, YouTube and WordPress leverage these characteristics and use them to their advantage.

MySQL relies on SQL as a query language and offers high availability and great data security. While the relational approach isn’t always optimal, MySQL remains indispensable for managing structured data effectively.

The benefits of MySQL at a glance

  • Open source
  • Very user-friendly
  • Well-known and logical query language
  • Good performance
  • Clear and concise
  • Scalable
  • Secure and stable
  • Large community
  • High level of compatibility with programming languages, platforms and systems

If you would like to read more about MySQL and how it works, check out our Digital Guide.

Apache Cassandra: The NoSQL solution for large amounts of data

Apache Cassandra is a column-oriented NoSQL database that is designed for use with large amounts of data. This is made possible by its different scaling options, which ensure that the system is suitable for large and small companies alike. With its own query language CQL, Apache Cassandra ensures the database is accessible for users who are accustomed to SQL solutions. The database enables very high availability and data security thanks to different master nodes. Data can be structured, semi-structured or unstructured, and users can configure replication strategies to suit their needs. Apache Cassandra is used by prominent companies such as Apple, Netflix and Spotify.

The benefits of Apache Cassandra at a glance

  • Open source
  • Ideal for big data due to strong scaling options
  • CQL as query language
  • Fail-safe and robust
  • High fault tolerance
  • Usable for different data types
  • Various replication strategies
  • High availability
  • Meets ACID criteria (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)

Find out more about Apache Cassandra in our Digital Guide.

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